Inside the Studio: Inspiration and Process

Exploring colour, texture and shape on Wurundjeri Country, Melbourne

Mid-Century Modern Style

My work is heavily influenced by the effortless, balanced aesthetic of the Mid-Century Modern design movement. Non-gendered, neutral yet sophisticated decor, with pops of funky retro colour and timeless wooden accents are characteristic of this interior style.

Think Scandinavian minimalism with a gentle warmth - elements that are echoed in the design of my statement artworks.

Speaking your language? Get in touch to commission an artwork for your space.

Mid Century Modern interior design

Modern Punch Needle Embroidery

Using a specialised tool called a punch needle, I create artworks with a technique that is a lot like ‘painting with yarn’. It involves manually punching individual loops of yarn through a stretched backing fabric. The tension of the woven fabric holds the loops in place, allowing one to ‘paint’ the artwork with lines of wool.

This labour-intensive technique requires a lot of patience, but the slow process of building an artwork loop by loop is wonderfully meditative. I love how the gentle pace of this artform grounds me in the present moment, ensuring every piece is created with calm and care.

Punch needle design process

Studio Moments - Works in Progress

Punch needle art Australia abstract expressionist art

Irresistibly-touchable texture:
the wonders of wool

I’m completely entranced by the materiality of wool; it has a wonderful energetical quality that brings both physical and spiritual warmth to a space.

It softens the hard edges of my minimalist designs - allowing colours and shapes to be both bold and gentle simultaneously. My work explores this tension between ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ energy.

View available artworks here.

Modern Geometric textile art Australia